KDU Institutional Repository (IR@KDU)
Institutional Repository of General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University is a collection of the University’s intellectual or research output. This service allows members of the University to share scholarly and research output with the wider community. KDU Library is responsible in establishing, collaborating, managing, maintaining and disseminating the content of IR@KDU.
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Recently Added
A Review of Machine Learning Driven Automated Ethical Hacking: Proactive Defense and Vulnerability Mitigation in Wi-Fi and LAN Networks
(2023-02-06)The increasing reliance on Wi-Fi networks has raised significant concerns over network security, with vulnerabilities such as de-authentication, man-in-the-middle (MITM), and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks persisting ... -
A Review on Evaluating the Effectiveness of Mobile Health Interventions Surrounding an Underserved and Stigmatized Population
(2023-02-06)Mobile Health (mHealth) applications have emerged as viable solutions for managing depression, offering scalable and accessible mental health care. These tools leverage technology to address limitations in traditional ... -
Enhancing Early Detection of Dementia through Risk Factor Aggregation: Leveraging AI-Driven Knowledge Management Solutions
(2023-02-06)Dementia represents a significant public health issue, characterized by cognitive decline that disrupts daily activities and the ability to live independently. With the global population aging, the number of individuals ... -
Use of Affective Computing and Wearable Technologies for Mental Health Management of University Students: A Review
(2023-02-06)Mental health challenges among university students have become a significant concern, with academic workload, social isolation, and personal issues being major contributing factors to mental disorders. This review aims ... -
Flexible and Adaptive Anxiety Management Therapeutic Strategies for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review
(2023-02-06)Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often involves challenges in emotional regulation, heightened stress responses, and sensory processing difficulties, particularly in children ages 10- 12. While mindfulness exercises, music ...