Photographic Representation of Physical Elements of Technical Processing Functions in Selected Libraries in Sri Lanka
Information seekers are looking for quick and easy access to accurate information. Technical processing of library materials helps the information seekers to easily and quickly locate the resources. There are three main areas in technical processing. These are classification, cataloguing and labelling. Although the primary objective of completing these processes is the same, there could be differences in the methods utilised from one library to another. The aim of this study is to explore differences and innovative additions of technical processing functions.
Current MLS batch (2015/2017) of NIILlS has students
representing Universities, an International school, and the
National Library. Therefore a representative set of libraries
was selected for this research which included five University libraries, National Museum library, National Library, Colombo Public Library, Ilma International Girls' School library and American Center library. The methodology was to capture technical processing functions through photographs. Similar functions in all the representative libraries were arranged together for a comparative analysis.
Some have automated their catalogues and some have not. Except the National Museum Library (which uses UDC), all others used DDC classification system. Yet the DDC editions are different from library to library. Certain universities follow unique classification methods for dissertation collections and other publications.
It is evident that color coding systems are used. The school library uses color labels for fiction series separation. Some universities use color labels to separate special collections and languages too. Shelf guides are either fixed to shelves or separately placed and sometimes color coded too. Barcodes are used by two libraries for circulation assistance. Other labelling is similar.
Our visual observations conclude that traditional technical methods are changing with time, technology and innovative concepts.
- Proceeding Articles [154]