Now showing items 1-20 of 257
Use of Electronic Text Books (E-Books) By Undergraduate Students in Sri Lanka: The Challenge for Academic and Research Libraries in Sri Lanka
(1016-02-29)Electronic books have become very popular among readersrecently with the latest advancement of science and equipments and as a result of this,many universities across the globe have adopted and introduced the concept of ... -
Ethical Issues Surrounding the Use of Information in Health Care
(2004-07)As a result of rapid technological and economic expansion throughout the world, society is confronted with new requirements. For the success of the medical practice, even with the rapid changes in technology and the medical ... -
An Introduction to a Library material management and security control system - Radio Frequency ldentification (RFID) technology
(2006)Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) allows an item, (i.e. library book) to be tracked and communicated with by using radio waves. There are several methods of identification, but the most common is to store a serial number ... -
User Perceptions and Expectations on E-Information Literacy Development Programmes: A Gap Analysis
(2008)Abstract This paper discuses the user perceptions and expectations of postgraduate students of the University of Colombo towards the e-information literacy skills development programme conducted by the library. Data was ... -
Knowledge Management in Banking Industries: uses and opportunities
(2008)This paper reviews the prevailing literature on Knowledge Management in banking industries. The purpose of KM is to value to information resides in organizations resulting value addition to their tasks and ultimately to ... -
Sharing Maritime Boundary with India Sri Lankan Experience
(2008)India is Sri Lanka‟s immediate neighbor. Although the Island is considered a small state it has played an important role in regional affairs from ancient times. Indo – Lanka relations run back to pre-historic times. The ... -
User expectation verses user perception of service quality in University libraries: a case study
(2010-01)The library as one of the main service organizations in any University the assessment of service quality through user perspectives is very important. It provides a prompt feedback for libraries to assess and improve their ... -
A gap analysis to measure service quality of university libraries through user perspectives: a case study at the university of Colombo
(2010-01)User expectations and perceptions are important measures of service quality in academic libraries and service quality is frequently defined in terms of reducing the gap between user expectations and the service provided. ... -
'Checkpoint'- poem
(2010-07-15) -
'Freedom'- poem
(2010-08-06) -
Promotional avenues for university librarians in Sri Lanka
(2011-06)The paper identifies the existing promotional avenues for university librarians in Sri Lanka, the basic requirements needed for these avenues, the obstacles and obstacle mitigating strategies. The research design of the ...