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dc.contributor.authorRenushan, HRN
dc.description.abstractThe study explored the utilization of institutional repository (IR) among Law Undergraduates at Kotelawala Defence University (KDU), assessing awareness, purpose of use, pattern of access and perception of undergraduates as it is uncertain whether the law students at KDU possess knowledge of the IR and utilize it for their academic endeavours. This study applied a mixed methods research design employing qualitative and quantitative methods. A questionnaire and a focus group discussion were used to collect data from the sample of 101 respondents. Descriptive statistics were adopted to analyze the data. Key findings showed a moderate awareness of KDU IR among respondents regarding its existence and benefits. The prominent sources of awareness were library Orientation programs and library websites. Respondents aware of KDU-IR had highly utilized it for their learning tasks, finding theses and research papers, searching information not available in other formats, updating their knowledge and finding author information. The majority of them used it for learning support and to find author information. However, overall utilization among the undergraduates of the Faculty of Law was at a moderate level. The majority of the students who were aware of KDU-IR held a positive perception. In contrast, others needed a clear understanding of the content covered and its relevancy and quality. Most students prefer to access the IR at home to download information. They also suggested incorporating additional resource categories into KDU-IR, along with modifying the user interface and ensuring the provision of up to-date information. The study found that lack of awareness of the function, how to use it, and continuous power interruptions are the key barriers that hinder undergraduates’ utilization of IR. The study recommends addressing barriers through continuous awareness programs, assessing strategies, and upgrading KDU-IR services for better alignment with user information needs.en_US
dc.subjectAcademic librariesen_US
dc.subjectInstitutional Repositoryen_US
dc.subjectOpen Accessen_US
dc.subjectKDU-Sri Lankaen_US
dc.titleUtilization of Institutional Repository of Kotelawala Defence University with Special Reference to Undergraduates of the Faculty of Lawen_US
dc.typeArticle Full Texten_US
dc.identifier.journal3rd International Research Conference of National Library of Sri Lanka 2024en_US

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