Social and Cultural Impacts towards Sri Lankan Military from United Nations Missions
Due to the current ongoing economic crisis government has implemented di erent strategies
to overcome from this issue. Also, as a policy government trying reduce the weight
of government workers during this period and also, to gain maximum outcome from the
government employees. Further, Sri Lanka military leading with Sri Lanka Army hold
a deluxe image in the world on completing a humanitarian mission against the world
no 1 terrorist group. Considering the post war activities which work along on disaster
management, urban warfare and cyber security issues Sri Lankan Army and other forces
engaged actively on these missions for the bene ts of the state and the Sri Lankan. As a
result of that there is a trend and ongoing discussion to increase the number of soldiers
on UN missions as a strategy to gain more foreign currencies to the island. In parallel
to economic bene ts there are lots of bene ts which Sri Lankan military can achieve
through those missions. Based to that fact author structured the research on evaluating
the other non-economic bene ts from United Nations (UN) missions. Mainly as an island
nation Sri Lanka failed to blend with other countries as equally as other nations. Due to
these missions Sri Lanka were able to work with the soldiers all around the world and this
knowledge, thinking patterns and other skills positively e ects on Sri Lanka military. Also,
considering the structure of Sri Lankan Army and other tri-forces author urged that each
and every individual of the military earns several professional and survival skills during
the military carrier. Working on UN missions especially under a di erent geographical,
cultural environment helps soldiers to improve their skills and also to try those skills
under unfamiliar situations. Therefore, author used the di erent articles, literature to
nd out the experiences and other related knowledge whilst making several interviews,
discussions with military o cers and other rank personalities to nd out rst hand data
on this scope of the research.