Enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency by adopting building information modelling in the service delivery of the quantity surveying practice of Sri Lanka
The global construction industry is moving in the direction of widespread application
of BIM technique (Raic, 2007). In the worldwide construction sector, particularly in
the Quantity Surveying field, there has been a paradigm change from traditional
service delivery techniques to completely automated, by using BIM (Jayasena &
Weddikkara, 2013). Jayasena and Wedikkara (2013) emphasized, implementation of
BIM applications for the Quantity Surveying practice is a fear among Quantity
Surveyors in Sri Lanka since the professional’s existence is disturbed by the
threatening and challenging nature created when employing BIM within the QS
practice (Nagalingam, Jayasena, & Ranadewa, 2016).
The problem is to identify the factors contributing to the delay in using BIM in the
QS contribution to the project. The QS needs to escalate the usage of BIM by
understanding its potentials and developing streamlined methods to incorporate BIM
into their current and future professional practices (Partridge, 2015). The main aim of
this research study is to enhance the delivery of service in an effective and efficient
manner by employing BIM applications within the QS practice in Sri Lanka where
the objectives are to discover the current state of usage of BIM application in the
Quantity Surveying field, to analyse the barriers influencing the implementation of
BIM, to determine strategies to encourage the use of BIM to escalate the effectiveness
and efficiency within the Quantity Surveying operations in Sri Lanka.
- FBESS [12]