Microclimatic Buffering Potential of Forest Types in the Wasgamuwa National Park, Sri Lanka
The habitat-wise differences in microclimatic conditions have the ability to create
heterogeneous landscapes by generating different potential buffering capacities.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the microclimatic buffering potential
across habitat types in a mosaic dry zone landscape in Sri Lanka. The Vapour
Pressure Deficit (VPD) values which have been previously used in studies
conducted elsewhere in the world, were used as a suitable indicator. The study
was conducted in three forest types including Dry-Mixed Evergreen Forests
(DMEF), Riverine Forests (RVF), and Scrub Forests (SCF) in the Wasgamuwa
National Park from September 2021 and March 2022. The Grasslands (GR) closest
to each sampling station were used as reference sites. Forty-five sampling stations
were randomly picked RVF(n=8), DMEF(n=15), SCF(n=11), and GR(n=11) and
ambient temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH) were recorded at ground
level and at 2 m, using specially constructed sensors and data loggers (NodeMCU
sensor node and DHT22 digital temperature and humidity sensor) that recorded
data every 30 minutes for 24 hours. The study revealed that the highest VPD was
in GR (1.05-1.08) and the lowest in RVF (0.51-0.55), at both height levels. All three
forest habitats were moister than the GR. The magnitude of the buffering capacity
decreased in the order of RVF>DMEF>SCF. This study generated novel information
on the microclimatic buffering capacities of Sri Lankan forests, which highlights
the need to protect these ecosystems because local-scale microclimatic conditions
in forest understories play a key role in shaping the composition, diversity, and
function of the ecosystems.