Contribution of Architecture on Juvenile Rehabilitation Process in Sri Lanka
The process of reintegrating juveniles to society from juvenile rehabilitation
facilities is as important as the process of rehabilitation. If the rehabilitation
process is not conducted properly it would rather be difficult to control the
reconvicted/recidivism rates. Hence, the rehabilitation methods must adhere to
certain attributes relating to the rehabilitation process, one key aspect being the
built environment of the rehabilitation facilities. Humans by nature have an
undeniable connection with their environment through physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual means. This connection helps to keep a balance within
ourselves. Most of the time, unlike adults, juveniles commit crimes or become
victims without their own will. It is of paramount importance that this is
understood and they are attended with the required special attention in the
rehabilitation process. At the stage of admission to the rehabilitation facilities,
these youngsters are more likely to be in a very weak state of mind, with the
need of protection, self-value, freedom, and to obtain the sense of belongingness
in the society as they are reintroduced. This requires improvement of
interpersonal and intrapersonal skills before leaving the correctional facility to
avoid reconviction/recidivism. The rehabilitation process influenced by
architectural attributes was followed in this research would be to understand
by location and site planning, spatial organization, provision amenities,
supervision and security and visual character. In the Sri Lankan context, it shows
that most of the juveniles from facilities that have considered these architectural
attributes show comfort when reintegrating with the society as adults whereas
others from contradicting facilities show difficulties when reintegrating with the
society as adults.