Classification of Patients with Mild Depression and Healthy Controls Using Nodal Brain Network Topology
The potential to use functional brain network topology in classification of
patients with mild depression and healthy subjects using machine learning is
poorly studied. The resting-state fMRI data of 51 patients with mild depression
and 21 healthy controls were used in the current study. The data were pre processed using the GRETNA toolkit. Each brain was parcellated into 90
anatomical regions. Functional brain networks were constructed using Pearson
correlation. Then nodal level functional brain network metrics such as
betweenness centrality, degree centrality, nodal clustering coefficient, nodal
efficiency, nodal local efficiency, and nodal shortest path were computed using
a graph theory-based approach for a series of network sparsity thresholds. The
area under the curve value of each node was used as features (90 features in
total for each subject) in subsequent multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA). The
MVPA was performed using the MVPANI toolbox combined with LibSVM’s
implementation of a linear support vector machine. The classification
performances were assessed using a leave-two-subjects-out cross-validation
procedure. Classification accuracies were obtained for the six different
topological metrics separately and for the combination of significant nodal
metrics (concatenating features from different measures). The MVPA results
showed that information from three out of six different nodal network metrics
could significantly distinguish patients with mild depression and healthy
controls (nodal clustering coefficient: accuracy =79.41%, p<0.001; Nodal
efficiency: accuracy =79.41%, p<0.001, nodal local efficiency: accuracy =
79.41%, p<0.001). Further, when combining these metrics together, we
observed an improved classification accuracy (85.29%, p<0.001), indicating the
fusion of different network measures may serve as a better neuroimaging
marker for an objective depression diagnosis.