Browsing Law by Title
Now showing items 41-47 of 47
A Space Policy for Sri Lanka: A Need of the Hour
(2015)Space Law which is a new branch of International Law is a body of law applicable to governing space related activities in outer space. It involves a responsible approach to the exploration and use of outer space for the ... -
Sri Lankan Children in Immigration Detention in Australia: Human Rights and State Responsibility
(2015)There are many families in immigration detention in Australia. People who are fleeing Sri Lanka devastated by the ethnic conflict between Tamil Tigers & Sri Lankan government have the same basic needs as decent living ... -
Strengthening ICT Law Regime to facilitate E-Commerce and M-Commerce Transactions: A Sri Lankan Perspective
(2015)Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays a vital role in our everyday lives. Particularly, it makes regular business transactions easy and fast in globalized information society. Accordingly, traditional commerce ... -
Sustainable Development and the Challenge of E-Waste in Sri Lanka
(2015)Sustainable Development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. However, loosely discarded, surplus, obsolete, broken, electrical ... -
Tale of RED and ARRI : the Unseen Role of Run Out Legislation and WhiteCollar Seats
(2015)Cinema is a reputed, glorious mode of expression in pictures in the whole world. Day by day it becomes a widespread entertainment mode with the help of capital and technology. The observable situation in Sri Lanka reflects ... -
Torture Occurrence in Police Custody: Critical Legal study on Sri Lankan Context
(2015)A Police force is established in a country with the prime objective of enhancing the internal security of a state. Thus, the safety and security of the individuals is expected to be upheld by the Police and from the initial ... -
Voluntary Repatriation as a Durable Solution to Sri Lankan Refugees in India: A Critical Analysis with Legal Perspective
(2015)Assimilation, voluntary repatriation and third country resettlement are generally accepted as durable solutions for refugees. Among these, voluntary repatriation is considered to be the most welcome. Sri Lankan refugees ...