Browsing 2018 IRC Articles by Title
Now showing items 245-264 of 307
Radiographic Analysis of the Ethmoid Roof Anatomy Based on Keros Classification in a Cohort of Sri Lankan Population
(2018)This is a cross sectional study that aims to describe the distribution of heights of lateral lamella of ethmoid bone according to Keros classification. All available CT scans at ENT unit, Teaching Hospital Anuradhapura ... -
A Rare Case of Maternal IgG Type Anti M Induced Hydrops Fetalis
(2018)MNS system was the second blood group system discovered in 1927. This blood group system is second only to the Rh blood group system in its complexity. Our patient with one live child presented herself to clinic for ... -
The Rashomon Effect on Software Development Requirement Gathering Process
(2018)A software project, whatever the size must go through defined stages which known as the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). Among five phases of the SDLC the first phase: Requirement Definition needs certain technique ... -
Reducing the Concrete Waste While Optimizing the Cost, Time & Quality in Sri Lankan Construction Industry
(2018)Construction projects attempt to reduce wastage. In the present days, many projects are moving towards sustainable development while minimizing construction wastage. Among these construction waste material, waste has been ... -
Relationship between Body Mass Index, Waist to Hip Ratio and Blood Pressure among Peradeniya University Students
(2018)The growing prevalence of obesity is recognized as one of the most important risk factors for development of hypertension. This study was done to identify the relationship between body mass index, waist to hip ratio ... -
The Relationship between Cognitive Function and Dual Task Gait Performance in People with A Vestibular Disorder Vs Adult Healthy Controls
(2018)The purpose of the current study was to investigate the relationship between the dual task gait performance and the cognitive function domain in patients with clinically diagnosed vestibular disorders. Authors hypothesized ... -
The Relationship between Hip Abductor Muscle Strength and Iliotibial Band Tightness in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain Attending Department of Rheumatology and Rehabilitation of The National Hospital, Sri Lanka
(2018)Low back pain (LBP) causes disability and hinders daily activities of general population. Despite extensive research, the exact cause of chronic mechanical LBP remains uncertain. There is inadequate evidence related ... -
Requirements For An English-Sinhala Smart Bilingual Dictionary: A Review
(2018)This paper presents a review on existing English-Sinhala Dictionaries while considering today’s requirements for enhancing English language skills for users who are not fluent in English . Dictionaries are becoming ... -
Restraining Multi -Drug Resistant Bacteria through Medicinal Plants
(2018)Antibiotics kill bacteria or prevent them from multiplying. Antibiotic resistance among bacteria occurs when an antibiotic loses its ability to control and kill bacterial growth. Antibiotic resistance is a survival ... -
A Review of Mobile Technology for Teaching and Learning Mathematics
(2018)Today, the claim of Mathematics is more critical than ever. Almost everything in the world is relying on mathematics. The subjects like mathematics can be known as a requisite subject of the school curriculum which is ... -
Review of the Building Schedule of Rates (BSR) for Work Norms
(2018)The Building Schedule of Rates (BSR) for standard work norms should be reviewed due to some technical problems raised in the current construction industry. It was found that there are some work norms that have not been ... -
A Review on Data Mining Techniques to Predict the Student Performance and Decision Making in Educational Institutions
(2018)Education is significant as it represents the future of a nation. Most of the Sri Lankan educational institutions utilize manual, paper-based systems to manage information which are more time and money consuming. It also ... -
A Review on Ultrasound Image Pre-Processing, Segmentation and Compression for Enhanced Image Storage and Transmission
(2018)Imaging is one of the key medical diagnostic tools to observe internal organs and soft tissues. One such tool is ultrasound scanning, which is highly utilized in gynecology and echo cardiogram. This is due to the number ... -
A Review: Problems In Refurbishment Projects
(2018)Globally, the existing buildings take a significant portion of total stock. Due to the cyclical nature, the performance of a building is getting retarded when it is exposed to usage. Thus, in ... -
Rice Yield Estimation Using Free Satellite and Field Data
(2018)An effective pre-harvest rice yield estimation method is truly significant for the assessment of seasonal rice production in terms of strategic planning purposes. In Sri Lanka, a conventional method named crop-cut survey ... -
Rights and Duties of State Parties to Unclos Iii Regarding Marine Pollution Prevention: a Global Legal Perspective with Regards to Vessel Based Pollution and Ocean Dumping
(2018)This paper reviews the global governance framework of marine pollution specially by vessels and dumpingunder the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982, whichis considered as the most comprehensive ... -
Risk Factors for Road Traffic Accidents among Drivers Admitted to Teaching Hospitals Kandy and Kurunegala in 2017
(2018)Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) highly contribute to morbidity and mortality worldwide. RTAs are one of the main causes of sudden deaths in Sri Lanka. Therefore, the objective of this descriptive crosssectional study was ... -
Safe Accident Alert System for Reporting Accidents to Nearest Hospital and Police Station
(2018)Road Accidents are fast becoming one of the major issue of deaths in Sri Lanka. In some cases, they are accounted for from exceptionally remote areas now and again there is not really any vehicular traffic on streets. There ... -
Sea Level Prediction Model for Colombo Coastal Area Using Matlab Software
(2018)Sea level rise can be explained as an increase in the volume of water in the oceans of the world. But the rates of rise over local areas are variable. There are several reasons for the rise of the sea level; mainly thermal ...