Browsing 2018 IRC Articles by Title
Now showing items 74-93 of 307
Data Handling And Maintaining Data Consistency In Scalable Replicated Micro-services
(2018)Monolithic Architecture helps to develop server-side enterprise applications. But, it views as a “big ball of mud”. That indicates monolithic architecture has many drawbacks. Introduction of cloud based microservice ... -
Data Security System for Chat Applications Using Cryptography, Steganography and Image Processing
(2018)The privacy plays a major role in the personal life. Due to the vast development in communication technology, people have the privilege to perform various operations seamlessly in their day to day life. But at the same ... -
Declining Renal Functions among Fishing and Sugarcane Farming Communities: Implications on Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology (CKDU) in Sri Lanka
(2018)Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown etiology (CKDu) also named as Chronic Interstitial Nephritis in Agricultural Communities (CINAC) is a rapidly growing public health concern in Sri Lanka (SL). Heat stress and ... -
A Descriptive Study on Consent Taking for Surgeries– An Operating Theatre Experience
(2018)Consent is a vital requirement for surgeries. Surgeries done without consent would be considered to be causing hurt or grievous hurt under local law. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted over 3 months in ... -
Design a Coaching Model to Enhance Track and Field Performance
(2018)Training periodization has long been used by athletes and coaches in an attempt to maximize fitness gains and physical performance. The purpose of this research was to design a coaching model to improve track and field ... -
Design and Construction of a Low-Cost Raman Microscope for Identification of Chemical Compounds
(2018)The design, construction and operation of a low-cost Raman microscope is presented. The apparatus can be configured to function in both backs cattering and transmission modes with minimal effort. A laser excitation ... -
Design and Development of a Flying Object for Inspection and Cleaning of Distribution Power Lines in Sri Lanka
(2018)Inspection, detection and cleaning are essential for the maintenance of distribution power lines (DPL). Developed countries use unmanned automated vehicles (UAVs) for this purpose. Helicopter usage is efficient but costly ... -
Determinants of Moonlighting of Teaching Professionals in Sri Lanka
(2018)Moonlighting; holding two or more jobs by one individual has become a key feature in the current labour market in Sri Lanka. The majority of professionals moonlight due to financial motives, heterogeneity motives, flexibility ... -
Determination of the Association of BMI and WC with HbA1c Level of Patients Diagnosed as Type 2 DM, Who Attended to Clinics at NDC, Sri Lanka, 2017
(2018)The incidence of DM has dramatically increased within the past few decades. It has become a personal, national and global problem which affected on individuals clinically as well as financially, while having an effect ... -
Developing Life Coping Skills Among Amputated Elderly War Veterans/Differently - Abled War Heroes: a Review of Literature
(2018)The theoretical aspects related to life coping skills among disabled or differently able war heroes will be discussed in this paper. Literature review on the other hand will guide the researcher to develop a sustained ... -
Developing Multi Disciplinary Research for Diabetic Care: Lessons Learned
(2018)The prevalence of type 2 diabetes among adults is increasing worldwide. Multi-disciplinary research is becoming increasingly commonplace in diabetic research. In many healthcare systems globally, diabetic care is driven ... -
Development of a Budget Roof Fairing Using a CFD Analysis of Different Roof Fairing Shapes
(2018)Semi-trailer trucks are commonly used in Sri Lanka for long distance transportation. These trucks are subjected to an unfavourable high drag which makes a huge impact in fuel consumption. In order to reduce this drag, ... -
Development of Metformin Hydrochloride Sustained Release Tablet
(2018)Metformin hydrochloride (MH) is a binguanide, used to treat type 2 diabetes by oral administration as first line drug choice. MH is a hydrophilic drug, which facilitates glucose utilization by peripheral tissue and ... -
Dilemma of Creating a Constructive Trust on Illegal Purpose
(2018)English law was received to Sri Lankan legal system in two ways mainly; by statutes and by judicial activism. In Sri Lanka present context, Law of trust is governed via substantive law and common law principles, mainly ... -
Disaster Management, Measures and Facts in India: Needs to Improve
(2018)'Disaster` is defined as a crisis situation causing wide spread damage which far exceeds our ability to recover. Thus, by definition, there cannot be a perfect ideal system thatprevents damage, because then it would not ... -
Dynamics in Productivity with theIntervention of Human Resource Management (Hrm): An Exploratory Review on Manufacturing Industry
(2018)Dynamics in productivity with the intervention of Human Resource Management (HRM) was identified as a significant area in the manufacturing sector. Through-out the research history many of studies have been launched related ... -
E-Commerce Web Application for Agricultural Development in Sri Lanka
(2018)This research has been conducted to develop an e-commerce web application based on agriculture, which can be used by cultivators, and consumers across the nation. This application will also include the capability of adjusting ... -
Early Warning System for Landslides Using Wireless Sensor Networks
(2018)Landslides occur in many areas in Sri Lanka, and they cause considerable damage to natural habitat, environment, economy and other resources. Monitoring, predicting and controlling are the three major challenges associated ... -
Economic Diplomacy, Asian Century and Sri Lanka`s Foreign Policy
(2018)The 21st century has been widely regarded as the Asian century and this global power shift is characterized by unprecedented economic growth, investments and enhanced regional cooperation. This global power shift continues ... -
Ecuador’S Border Security Failures: an Analysis of the Institutional Characteristics of the Coordinating Bureau of Intelligence
(2018)This article sets out the institutional redesign elements that ended up shaping a poor border security between Ecuador and Colombia. It suggests that because of an institutional design addressed by a strong executive figure, ...