Validity and Reliability of the Multi Dimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) in Cancer Patients

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Weeratunga, EB
Senadheera, C
Hettiarchichi, M
Ekanayaka, U
Perera, B
Show full item recordAbstract
Social support (SS) is considered an important
component in cancer patients’ quality of life.
The measurement and evaluation of SS in cancer
patients is not well understood in the Sri Lankan
context. This study examined the Sinhala version
of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social
Support (MSPSS) for its psychometric properties.
The scale has 3 dimensions; family (FA), friends
(FR), and significant others (SO) support. The
research was approved by the Ethics Review
Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Galle. A total
of 40 cancer patients at the Radiotherapy unit,
Oncology ward, Teaching Hospital, Karapitiya in
Southern, Sri Lanka were enrolled on ‘first come first
serve’ basis using their appointment register
in 2013. Participants were asked to complete three
scales; the MSPSS, the Centre for Epidemiological
Studies – Depression scale (CES-D) and the
World Health Organization-Quality of Life-
Brief scale (WHOQOL-BREF). In addition, their
socio-demographic data were recorded. To testretest
reliability of the scale, the same group of
participants were asked to fill the same scales two
weeks later. Results were regarded as statistically
significant if p< 0.05. Mean (±SD) age of the
sample was 61(±12) years. Mean score (±SD) for
overall SS was 65(±7). The Sinhala-MSPSS was
found to have a negative correlation with the
CES-D (divergent validity), but was positively
correlated with the WHOQOL-BREF (convergent
validity). The internal consistency of the overall
scale was good (Cronbach’s alpha - 0.75). FA and
SO showed high Cronbach’s alpha (0.983 and
0.996). The test-retest reliability was found to be
0.86. The study concludes that the Sinhala version
of MSPSS is a valid and reliable tool to assess SS
of cancer patients.