Browsing 2018 IRC Articles by Title
Now showing items 200-219 of 307
A Machine Learning Based Solution for Finding Perfect Marital Partner
(2018)Marriage is a socially or ceremonially perceived joining between mates that sets up rights and commitments between those life partners. Finding a good marriage partner is one of the main reasons for the delay in marriage. ... -
Majestic Giant, Yet Abroken Spirit : Legal Protection of Captive Elephant in Sri Lanka
(2018)Sri Lanka has a large-scale historical evidence for the captivity of elephants. Although historically this was carried out on cultural grounds, currently captive elephants are being misused as a commercial asset. This study ... -
Malaria Elimination in Sri Lanka : A Successful Multi-Sector, Multi-Professional Collaboration
(2018)The last case of indigenous malaria was reported Sri Lanka in October 2012 and the country was certified as “malaria-free” by the World Health Organization in September 2016. This is truly a great achievement for a ... -
Marriage Cannot Be Slavery; an Analysis on Forced Marriages and Grounds for Nullity in Sri Lankan Context
(2018)When considering the concepts such as divorce and nullity in the Sri Lankan context it is very apparent that the laws remain very rigid regarding them. As a grave loophole in law there are no direct provisions for the ... -
A Mechanistic Probabilistic Model to Estimate Truck Operation Cost
(2018)Truck operations cost is the major cost element in the total supply chain for a better service. In relation to such situations, estimation of the truck operation cost has become a main factor in making important decisions. ... -
Metallothinein Responses in Relation to Disease Progression in CKD Affected People of Padaviya, Sri Lanka
(2018)Metallothioneins (MT) are metal detoxifying proteins that sequester metals. MT expression is induced by metals such as As, Cd, and Zn. In a cross sectional study, metallothionein expression was followed in chronic ... -
Method to Enhance Features of Biometrics Security Management and Fingerprint Identification Using Low-Quality Images
(2018)Fingerprint identification becomes the most well-known biometric system in nowadays. The system uses special fingerprint points called miniature which is unique for every person. Many systems have been used for various ... -
Microbial Cellulases: The Potential Application in Dye Removal from Denim
(2018)Cellulases are enzymes that hydrolyze β-1, 4 linkages in cellulose. Their applications in industries such as paper, pulp, textile processing and food are gradually increasing. Especially, textile processing includes ... -
Middlemen on Coconut Price Behavior in Sri Lanka
(2018)This research studies producer and retail's behaviour towards coconut price, and assesses middlemen's impact and the influence of inflation on it. Coconut contributes 0.6 % to the total GDP. Though researches attributed ... -
Morphology of the Evolving Courtyard with Special Reference to Light House Hotel In Galle
(2018)With the rapid urban development and globalization, the vernacular architectural style of Sri Lanka has been affected by arbitrary and westernized style. Due to these influences the traditional architecture was declined ... -
Multi -Modal Neuroimaging with MRI
(2018)Advances in medical imaging have had a huge impact on patent wellbeing, with neuroimaging arguably having the most. The ability to see inside and “read” a living human brain is becoming increasingly sophisticated. A ... -
The Need for Insider Perspective in Language Codification; a Study in Relation to Sri Lankan English Codification
(2018)Defined as the "language used by Sri Lankans who choose to use English for whatever purpose in Sri Lanka (Gunesekera, 2005, p. 11), Sri Lankan English (SLE) is gradually accepted as a newly institutionalized variety of ... -
New Customer Churn Prediction Model for Mobile Telecommunication Industry
(2018)The present Sri Lankan telecommunication industry remains extremely dynamic by constantly changing the landscape of new services, technologies, and carriers. Thus customers have more choices. So, predicting customer churn ... -
A Novel Elliptic Curve Based Multi-Key Encryption Method for Multicasting Single Content with Access Control
(2018)The most remarkable invention in the history of cryptography is the invention of public key encryption in the 1970s. It enables users to have a single encryption on a pair of two unique keys. As a result, the way of ... -
Nurses’ Perspective on Leadership Qualities of Nurse Managers
(2018)Nurse managers’ decision making ability, communication skills and commitment to the profession directly and indirectly affect nurses’ job satisfaction and thereby the quality of patient care. The aim of the study was ... -
Offence of Enforced Disappearance : Enhancing the Parameters of Criminal Law of Sri Lanka
(2018)Enforced disappearances (ED) have been an outspoken and debatable dialogue at different spectrums across the globe during the last century due to complexity of the situation itself. Presently, ED is considered a gross ... -
Optimal Crew Planning Through Variable Capacity Assignment for Commercial Aircraft Flight Line Maintenance
(2018)Crew planning and scheduling is researched intensively as it affects the aviation operational costs substantially. Maintenance crew planning is an integral part of the same where less emphasis paid compared to flying crew ... -
Optimization of Carbon in Cathodes Made of Na2MnSiO4 to Enhance the Discharge Capacity of Sodium Ion Rechargeable Battery
(2018)In this research we have synthesized Na2MnSiO4 by solid state reaction of Na2CO3, MnCO3 and SiO2 and fabricated a sodium ion rechargeable cell using this material in the cathode. The elemental analysis of the synthesized ... -
Optimizing the Allocation of Training Programmes to Maximize the organizational Goals
(2018)All Human Resource managers commit for dedicated corporate trainings to ensure that their employees have a better understanding of their assigned work and be able to achieve the organizational goals. Due to resource scarcity, ...