Browsing 2018 IRC Articles by Title
Now showing items 90-109 of 307
E-Commerce Web Application for Agricultural Development in Sri Lanka
(2018)This research has been conducted to develop an e-commerce web application based on agriculture, which can be used by cultivators, and consumers across the nation. This application will also include the capability of adjusting ... -
Early Warning System for Landslides Using Wireless Sensor Networks
(2018)Landslides occur in many areas in Sri Lanka, and they cause considerable damage to natural habitat, environment, economy and other resources. Monitoring, predicting and controlling are the three major challenges associated ... -
Economic Diplomacy, Asian Century and Sri Lanka`s Foreign Policy
(2018)The 21st century has been widely regarded as the Asian century and this global power shift is characterized by unprecedented economic growth, investments and enhanced regional cooperation. This global power shift continues ... -
Ecuador’S Border Security Failures: an Analysis of the Institutional Characteristics of the Coordinating Bureau of Intelligence
(2018)This article sets out the institutional redesign elements that ended up shaping a poor border security between Ecuador and Colombia. It suggests that because of an institutional design addressed by a strong executive figure, ... -
Effect of Language Proficiency on Academic Performance: Special Reference to the Undergraduates of General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University
(2018)English language plays an important role in education, obtaining employment and even gaining power and special privileges in Sri Lanka. With the introduction of Official Languages Act of 1956, prominence given to English ... -
The Effect of Stem Cells Research on One`S Right to Life: Ethical and Legal Controversies in the Domestic and the International Arena.
(2018)Stem cell treatments have been a monumental discovery back in the 1800s. In the year 1968, two siblings were the first to be treated successfully with bone marrow transplant for a immunodeficiency. This influenced many ... -
The Effect of Storage Time of Citrated Whole Blood Specimens before Centrifugation on Results of Coagulation Testing
(2018)Citrated blood specimens received in some laboratories for coagulation testing such as prothrombin time (PT), Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT), and Thrombin Time (TT) are stored for long periods due to many ... -
Effect of Thermoduric Bacteria on Shelf-Life of Milk and Improvement of Pasteurization Process
(2018)Pasteurization is a means of increasing the shelflife of milk. This study focused on identifying thermoduric bacteria that decrease the shelf-life of pasteurized milk and finding a solution to minimize their presence ... -
Effectiveness of Plyometric Type Strength Training on Strength and Power Performance of Children under Age of 10 to 12 Years
(2018)The form of exercise with rapid and repeated stretching and contracting of muscles may distinguish as plyometric. Plyometric exercises are often used to improve leg power and strength performance in adult population, ... -
Effectiveness of Ushnodhakadhārā in the Management of Psychological Stress
(2018)According to Ayurveda, Pragnāparādha (intellectual error), Parināma (time factor), Asātmēndriyārtasamyōga (unwholesome contact of senses with its objects) cause all physical and mental diseases. At the chronic decline of ... -
Effects of Leadership Styles on Soldiers` Turnover Intention of Sri Lanka Army
(2018)Leaders are known to practice different leadership styles to accomplish missions in the Army. Thus the challenge for Sri Lanka Army leadership is to ensure that leadership practices in organizations are in accordance with ... -
Effects of Respiratory Muscle Training (RMT) on Respiratory Functions and Rowing Performances in Sri Lankan Rowers: A Randomized Control Study
(2018)Respiratory muscle training is known to improve respiratory functions and performance in sportsmen. The aim of this study was to determine effects of a 12-week specific respiratory muscle training program on the rowing ... -
An Efficient Web Enabled Automatic Emergency Medical Assistance System Using Android
(2018)Abstract- This paper introduces a system to manage medical assisted emergencies in certain areas. At present, Sri Lanka and many other countries in the world face many difficulties in managing emergency medical situations ... -
Eigenfaces Based Face Recognition Device for Visually Impaired Persons
(2018)This paper proposes to develop an embedded system based instrument for visually impaired, it is a wearable device in the form of badge holder of the patent which is designed using Raspberry Pi in addition with visual and ... -
Electrochemical Measurements of Composite Films Made from TiO2 and SiO2 Extracted from Rice Husk
(2018)Composite materials have been found in many applications in the recent years where they have been widely used in ceramic and electronic industry. For example, the efficiency of solar cells has been improved by using ... -
Emergency Alert System for Reporting Crime Issues to Nearest Police Station
(2018)In the recent past there had been a tendency of crime rates to increase and the main reason for this is the lack of possible means to keep the Police informed immediately. Thus there is a possibility of the criminal escaping ... -
Emerging of Army Bulk Petroleum Reserve as a Critical Supply Chain Infrastructure in Sri Lanka Army
(2018)The present military logistics system would be planning in such a manner that military forces should be able to sustain the men and material for any type of war scenarios. Oil is the main energy source of all running equipment ... -
Engineering High Performing Systems