Browsing 2018 IRC Articles by Title
Now showing items 46-65 of 307
Catalan Independence From the Perspective of International Law
(2018)In the modern international system, state recognition is given much importance due to the issues relating to statehood. The recognition of states is a legal issue associated with international law. According to the ... -
Causal Attributions of Product Harm Crisis and Consumer Moral Reputation Toward the Wounded Company- How Does Societal Damage Matter?
(2018)Despite large body of research on product harm crisis, wide spreading crises in the global market place induce the study to investigate the matter through a new empirical angle, i.e., company`s moral responsibility ... -
Characteristics of Male Illicit Drug Users in Rehabilitation Centres in Sri Lanka
(2018)Illicit drug users are people who use psychoactive substances that the production, sale or use is prohibited by law and for long term on regular basis for non-medical purposes. Illicit drug use has become a significant ... -
Characterization of Banana Pith as Electrolytic Media of a Bio-Battery Using Electrochemical Techniques
(2018)A bio-battery made from the pith of ambun banana variety has been used to characterize its material using Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) and Impedance Spectroscopy (IS) to have an expanded knowledge about reversible behaviour ... -
Child Sexual Exploitation and Child Prostitution in Sri Lanka: a Legal Perspective
(2018)Child sexual exploitation and child prostitution are some of the major challenges which Sri Lanka is facing as a developing tourist destination. Poverty, lack of education and inequality are some of the main causes for ... -
Clinical Patterns of Acute Radiation Dermatitis among Patients Attending Dermatology Outpatient Department at District Government Hospital of Gulbarag – A Study
(2018)Radiation dermatitis (RD) is a commonly encountered adverse effect of definitive radiation therapy. The severity of RD is influenced by multiple patient and treatment-related factors. Radiation depletes the basal cell ... -
Cloud Based Power Consumption Estimation for Electric Vehicles
(2018)Inaccurate range estimation is a major problem which comes with Electric Vehicles. Because of this many people face issues when planning long trips and short trips with limited battery capacity. To overcome this issue, it ... -
Collaborative Biomedical Device Development: Opportunities and Challenges for Sri Lanka
(2018)Biomedical Device Development is a rapidly growing multi-billion dollar industry worldwide. Asia Pacific region in particular shows great prospects as an emerging market for consumer medical technology. Sri Lanka, as ... -
A Comparative Study on Anthropometric Measurement of Sri Lanka Defence Service (Sl Army, Sl Navy and Sl Air Force) Male Soccer Teams
(2018)Anthropometry is a branch of anthropology and is concerned with the measurement of the human body. The intent to do this research was because there was no comparison on the anthropometric measurements of Sri Lankan defence ... -
Comparative Study on Methods For 3D Modelling with Traditional Surveying Technique and Total Station Technique
(2018)Three-dimensional modelling of the natural surface of the Earth is very important in understanding the irregularities of the Earth surface. It is a vital tool in planning large development projects such as designing of ... -
Comparison of Hip Range of Motion (ROM) In Individuals with and Without Low Back Pain (LBP) In National Hospital of Sri Lanka (NHSL)
(2018)LBP is a leading cause of disability among people worldwide. Due to the close anatomical proximity of the hip joint with the lumbopelvic region, it is believed that the hip joint function is related to low back pain. ... -
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Five ‘A’ Plan to Quit Smoking by Sailors in Two Population Samples in Sri Lanka Navy
(2018)Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have become the leading cause of morbidity and mortality, and tobacco use is a recognized causal factor in the genesis of NCDs. The current smoking prevalence is 39% among males and ... -
Comparison on Virus Dynamics Models with Different Functional Responses Including Time Delays
(2018)A virus can be identified as an infectious mediator consisting a core of genetic material and an envelope of protein. The behavior of viruses can be modelled through mathematics, and those viral dynamics can consist a class ... -
A Computer-Based Analysis of Acoustic Properties of Sri Lankan Pirith Chants Using Voiced to Unvoiced Ratio and Probability Distribution Functions
(2018)Pirith is a special type of chanting; believed to be a protective doctrine preached by the Load Buddha in Pali language. Generally, a voice signal consists of the fundamental frequency, F0 and a series of harmonic frequencies ... -
Consistency in Multiplayer Online Game in Continuous Domain
(2018)This paper describes the ways to maintain the consistency in Multiplayer Online Games (MPOGs) in continuous domain. The involvement of computer networking, computer graphics, multimedia, artificial intelligence makes the ... -
Consumer Purchase Intention Towards Organic Food; with Special Reference to Undergraduates in Sri Lanka
(2018)Sri Lanka is a country rich with full of natural resources which can cater a considerable portion of ever-growing market demand for organic products in the World. Identifying this fact is important for the Sri Lankan food ... -
Corporate Governance in Determining the Stock Price in Colombo Stock Exchange
(2018)The impact of corporate governance on firm performance has become a topic of conversation. However there is less attention on how it impacts the share price. The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of ... -
Corporate Responsibility for Environmental Protection with Reference to the Companies Act No 07 of 2007 of Sri Lanka
(2018)With the increasing emphasis placed on the necessity of protecting the environment, the traditional perceptions of development have now been replaced with the concept of sustainable development. According to the Brundtland ... -
Corporate Strategy: The Way forward