Browsing 2018 IRC Articles by Title
Now showing items 2-21 of 307
Academic and Industry Collaboration to Spark Innovation for Real World Impact
(2018)There are major challenges in life sciences and healthcare that only a multi-disciplinary team with combined technical skills, knowledge and resources can address. A team comprise of faculty from academic institutions ... -
Acute Effect of Strength Resistance Exercises on Heart Rate Variability (Frequency Domain) in Physically Active Men
(2018)Strength resistance exercises is one of the most commonly used training methods by strength and conditioning professionals. Physiological and psychological stress effect for the Autonomic nervous system (ANS), and Heart ... -
Adaptive Solution for Key Challenges in Internet of Medical Things
(2018)Internet of medical things refers to the worldwide network of interconnected medical devices based on a standard communication protocol. Moreover, it is about interconnected medical devices via the internet at any time, ... -
Admissibility of Computer Evidence Under Sri Lankan Criminal Proceedings : a Comparative Analysis
(2018)Sri Lanka has now stepped into a new global era having overcome the terrorism which resulted in a rapid technological advancement.. This study seeks to answer the problem present legal regime pertaining to computer evidence ... -
Adoption of Management Accounting Practices By Public institutions: The Sri Lankan Experience.
(2018)Scholars use new institutional sociology (NIS) theory discourse to clarify how three macro environmental institutional pressures exert pressure as to institutionalization of particular rules, norms and practices etc. mainly ... -
Airborne Measurement – Advanced Instrument Development Methods and Insight
(2018)Airborne measurement is required in many fields of aerospace, ranging from aircraft development and flight test, to atmospheric sciences. It involves the use of aircraft mounted instruments to measure quantities ranging ... -
Analysis and Development of the Mess Management System for the KDU Cadet Mess
(2018)Abstract- Today`s Sri Lanka Military Mess Management and cost calculations are done manually and there is no proper system with electronic payment handling. Hence all the difficulties in manual system such as time consumption ... -
Analysis of Factors Affecting Passenger Satisfaction on Service Quality in Public Transportation in Sri Lanka
(2018)Public Transportation Service is outlined as a shared transportation service utilized by the overall public. Bus and Rail services play the most prominent roles as Public Transportation modes in Sri Lanka. Discrepancies in ... -
Analysis of Health and Safety Practices Affecting the Productivity of HumanResources in the Apparel Industry in Sri Lanka
(2018)The apparel industry contributes a significant amount to Sri Lanka`s economy and GDP. It is one of the fastest growing industries in Sri Lanka and it is a major employment generator. As it is relying highly on human capital, ... -
Analysis of International Instruments in Relation to Vessel Source Marine Pollution with Special Reference to Marine Pollution Prevention Act of Sri Lanka
(2018)This research is related to the Law of the Sea under the Public International Law concentrated to the Vessel source marine pollution. Although there are many types of marine pollution, this research is limited only to ... -
Analysis of Knowledge Sharing Barriers in Sri Lankan Software Companies
(2018)Knowledge sharing is a cornerstone for software companies as they are knowledge intensive organizations and expertized knowledge generates the key to success of organization. This study is a survey-based empirical investigation ... -
An Analysis of Land Use Suitability of A Selected Zone In Wattala Local Area Plan
(2018)The Development Plan of an area is a main legal document that is prepared for development of that area, integrating Social, Economic, Physical and Environmental aspects with the views of stakeholders in addition to general ... -
Anti -Bacterial Activity of Aqueous and Methanalic Root Extracts of Medicinal Plant Heteropogon Contortus
(2018)Synthetic drugs available for the treatment of chronic and infectious diseases are very expensive and some of them have become less effective due to the emergence of antibiotic resistance. As such, research is now ... -
Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Aqueous Extracts of Flowers and Stalks of Aponogeton Crispus and Aponogeton Rigidifolius
(2018)Aponogeton crispus and Aponogeton rigidifolius are native Aponogeton plants in Sri Lanka. These are widely used in folkloric medicine. Recent pharmacological studies have established antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, ... -
The Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Bacteria Isolated from Urine of Cancer Patients
(2018)Antibiotic resistance is a major concern among cancer patients. This study was carried out to assess the microbial spectrum and the antibiotic susceptibility pattern (ABST) of bacteria isolated from urine of cancer ... -
Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Causative Organisms of Chronic Supp urative Otitis Media (CSOM) in a District General Hospital in Sri Lanka
(2018)This study was carried out to determine the aerobic microorganisms involved in chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) and their antibiotic susceptibility patterns and to formulate empirical antibiotic guidelines for ... -
Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Potential of the Aqueous Extract of the Peel of a Sri Lankan Variety of Nephelium lappaceum Linn
(2018)Despite the advances in modern medicine, plant based remedies play an important role in healthcare due to low side effects. Free radicals are implicated in many diseases as well as in aging. The peel of Nephelium ... -
Applicability of Allium cepa Test to Assess the Degree of Phytoremediation of Soil Contaminated with Used Lubricating Oil by Using Crotalaria retusa L.
(2018)Indiscriminate disposal of used lubricating oil (ULO) into the soil has become one of the major environmental issues in most of the cities throughout the world. Phytoremediation is a novel technique with a potential ... -
Applicability of the Defence of Act of God in Environmental Damage : a Critical Appraisal
(2018)Occurrences over which man has no control are referred to as "Acts of God." Some natural events that we experience today are very serious and recurrent. Flood or drought happens each year causing severe damage to the ... -
Application of Gis in Construction Management
(2018)Geographic Information System (GIS) has been used in many fields of Science including engineering. GIS is a Computer based tool which is used to solve engineering problems related to spatial data. The potential importance ...