dc.description.abstract | Web applications are the most
popular platforms that deliver information
and services through the Internet these days.
This paper introduces Web-based Biometric
Electronic Voting System Software to Sri
Lanka. In the past few years happen a big
improvement in the technology field. Here
introduce the use of technology for voting
system and presents the development and
implementation of the electronic voting
systems. In using this system, during the
registration period, candidates, political
parties, and voters are registered to the
system. Biometric fingerprint machines scan
the fingerprints of eligible voters and save
them in the system. On election day, it
processes to do verifications. The fingerprint
is a biometric identifier. Because fingerprints
are unique for every individual. In also they
do not change. Automated biometric
fingerprint identification can take
considered the most reliable biometric
technology that is used in the present society.
This system replaces the paper-based
traditional voting process. The electronic
voting system is the best solution according
to the situation in our country. Already some
democratic countries have moved to these
electronic voting systems because of many
defectives that happened in the traditional
paper-based voting system. Sri Lankans'
contiguous country India also uses this
electronic voting system. Sri Lanka is a
democratic, developing country. Therefore, it
better to go for a web-based electronic voting
system for an efficient and secure election.
Keywords: Biometric, Electronic Voting
System, Fingerprint, Verification, and Webbased application | en_US |