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dc.contributor.authorJayalath, JMHK
dc.contributor.authorWanniarachchi, WAAM
dc.contributor.authorMalshani, WAN
dc.contributor.authorAriyarathna, PBD
dc.contributor.authorRanahansani, NGC
dc.description.abstractAbstract: Education is the most powerful weapon for a person’s life which will never be stolen throughout the journey of one’s own life. Being educated will never be perishable as it is a lifetime validity given for one’s persona career. As a consequence, it is obvious that education plays a vital role. In the process of being educated, higher education took a prominent place as it is one of the life indicators. A serious and a growing problem was identified in the higher education where geographical barriers, venue, time hinders the higher education with the passage of time. As a solution to all these problems, current educational trends have influenced the higher education to enhance learning process more technologically. This review intended to carry out a detailed analysis on Learning Management Systems and find out the untouched areas or else the pointsthat won’t talked about and still not yet developed up to a good level. The review is conducted with the objective of investigating the success of LMS, features of existing LMS, how the educational institutions make use of new technology and what are the areas that need further attention in future or in other words what are the features that should be developed further with the aim of looking more advancement. Identifying the available spaces for further enhancement or the development is the main aim of this review paper and this study investigates more about Learning Management System in advanceen_US
dc.titleThe Future Directions of the Learning Management Systemen_US
dc.title.alternativeA Reviewen_US
dc.typeArticle Full Texten_US
dc.identifier.journal13th International Research Conference General Sir John Kotelawala Defence Universityen_US

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