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dc.contributor.authorLankadeva, A
dc.descriptionArticle Full Texten_US
dc.description.abstractNational border is vital for survival of a state and protecting it is important for National security. Paying lip service to security of National borders will maintain the threat level to the National borders which in turn will impact on National security, economic security and societal security. The objective of this research is to expand the concept of securitisation and identify methods to increase the levels of securitisation taking National border as a referent object. For this Sri Lanka`s border security was studied where increase in drug trafficking was seen post 2009. One aspect of increase in the level of securitisation is strengthening of capabilities of organisations tasked with National border security which will result in effective border protection. Securitisation level can be strengthen by improving the organisational structure, operational capabilities, use of high technology and economy of effort by all actors in addition to enacting required legal provisions.In conclusion; governments should apply appropriate securitisation levels against existential threats to national borders to make border security effective.en_US
dc.subjectNational Securityen_US
dc.subjectNational Borderen_US
dc.subjectExistential Threaten_US
dc.titleSecuritization of National Borders: A Case Study of Sri Lankan Border Control Measuresen_US
dc.typeArticle Full Texten_US
dc.identifier.journalKDU IRCen_US

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